Saturday, December 8, 2007
Flashing Flesh
About my Self Portraits:
The "Primal Series", of a woman, me, not in her teens or even her 20's, is something that addresses issues important to a lot of women. Am I sexy? Am I pretty? Am I confident in who I am? Am I free to explore ideas, once hidden? So many questions answered for my own self and hopefully for other women of any age.
I am not going to disappear just because I am not in my 20's or 30's or 40's.. wow. That is the way it has felt at times. Strange.
Mental notes of understanding who we are under the veil of who we hoped we would be as women or who we think we lost, are embraced by me within the cloak of all women.
Exploring that sexual side; embracing my own desires and trying to not just understand them but find out what they are! So many feeling for various reasons are pushed down and made incidental because society has claimed they should feel uncomfortable.
Finding any sense of rawness seems crazy past 40. But why? That is what I think I am finally concluding. As a lot of women get older they tend to feel themselves disappear. I am one. I see though through this whole series that I am working on, digging inside myself to find that essence of sexiness that is woman; hearing tiny cries from those emotions hid from my own self and letting them see the light of day is luscious! Its not about being defined by others as being sexy, letting others decide my fate in how I feel about myself.. its about ME accepting who I really am and having the confidence to bring it all out on canvas. To not only see it but embrace and shine in it.
I want reach deeper and find all the things about my own sexuality that have always been mine to know. I want to understand the passion I long to paint and comprehend what those emotions are.
Passion has a sense of violence about it, it is strong and it survives aggression. I don't want to paint passive art.. I want feel the obsession of lust inside its raw and primal pursuit. Within passion one finds a boldness full of enticing ambitions to grasp on to, that piece of your heart that presses you to go past the mark of a bystander, that spot you may have been told to stay put on.
It is not possible to feel apathetic when standing next to passion. I don't paint landscapes to hang above someone's couch, paintings meant to be a resting place for the mind? I want to paint feelings that one cannot dismiss. I hope to stir up feelings that overwhelm within the viewer as well as myself. It is not my goal to feel nothing but a sunny day or peacefulness, shiny trinkets that rest on walls that can be walked away from. I want to paint women who feel something. I paint myself as I define it and revel in the fact that I am made whole by my own journey of introspection.
I want to paint strength, sexuality, pain, power, a force of intensity, emotional qualities that generate a reaction. I don't want to paint the sky, I want to paint the dominance of the wind that caused it to be felt on ones skin, in the form of a woman. I pick up my brush or clay between my fingers and consider a certain belligerence, an attitude of confidence that meets the power I need to form an energy outside myself and I welcome it in. I paint or sculpt until I hear them breathing and their breath becomes my own.
I paint myself as I try to define the energy that is indeed my own sexuality but also all women whether they accept that part of themselves or not.
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
free art gifts
Monday, November 26, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Beyonce Falls- I Still Create Art

Beyonce Falls.
OK.. this is not about MY ART.. but it is about an artist.. Beyonce. I paint beautiful women though so I think that makes this relevant.
Beautiful Women in Competition - A Mysterious Symptom Called Jealousy?
I am just curious, Beyonce Falls- Beautiful Women in Competition - A Mysterious Symptom Called Jealousy?
What is it that causes our society to rush to view a woman like Beyonce falling down from a flight of stairs during a performance?
Beyonce falls, Beyonce exposed, is that the headline that draws attention rather than the latest casualties in Iraq or Afghanistan? Why?
Why do we seem to crave that kind of news? It is like drawings of scorpions waiting to come alive. Beautiful women in competition recognize each other as the foe that might take their wanted crown, understood, but there is a mysterious symptom, that spews out jealousy, when we strain our necks to see a beauty, and to many a woman with a goddess post, fall.
Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs? Has it been in front of thousands of people? Can you see that happening to you?
Lets just imagine it for a second.
YOU singing before thousands of people, dancing up on stage, performing your routine. You fall, and probably hurt yourself. Do you quickly pick yourself up, designate communications visually to your staff that you are OK? Do you, by barely missing a beat, continue your routine to convey to your audience that it was no big deal, that you are made of steal and quickly rise to your feet?
Beyonce falls, yes indeed she did. Ya know what though? I for one have a newly gained respect for this goddess post of hers. Beyonce exposed, yes oh yes she was. She revealed to us all that despite the mysterious symptoms of many, who would watch because they delighted in her accident rose to the occasion and got right back up. She proved herself to be a true performer in every sense of the word and yet so much more. She continued on. I for one stand and applaud her.
Be sure to check out one of my Squidoo lenses OK?
Fantasy Art Woman|Beautiful Women Goddess Art @
Friday, June 8, 2007
Monkdogz Urban Art
New York, NY
April 26th opening night
My paintings, Bob Hogge, Marina Hadley, Sebastien and others can be seen large and small in the pics below.
Rememberance of last years show: "Seven"
My painting of "Chant" was used for that post.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
My Space|Kathsart

"Measured by the Moon" oil,gold leaf on canvas by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
I am pimping this from Dan Hunter a friend on My Space. He asks people to .. to get the news out.
check out his blog at:
Here is my friends blog article:
"Assult On Reason"
I just finished reading Al Gore's new book, "An Assault on Reason," and was enormously impressed. I think this book should be read by everyone. The sad part is that it probably won't be. It's not a slick, easily assimilated DVD, with simple, predigested ideas ready to be ingested by an audience that only knows how to passively swallow network pap. And neither is it an easy reading book, written to the level of the average middle school child; sometimes one must read a sentence twice to grasp exactly what is being said. But it needs to be read.
He totally decimates the current administration. Totally! Complete with very solid facts, footnotes and references, and, in a way that makes our gallery of presidential candidates look and sound like timid, compromising, cowardly sellouts. But he never stoops to dirty, mud-slinging, partisan politics. Because of that and his very precise wording, he reads a little stiff. There is little of the passion of someone like Keith Olbermann, although he does warm up a bit in the latter half of the book.
But the book is far more than a simple Bush-bashing. The book explains so much about what is broken and how it came to be broken - about our world, about our political process, about our democratic institutions, and about our corrupt leadership. If you are baffled about why there is no oversight and no accountability, if you've been thinking you've somehow awoken into some kind of unbelievable nightmare of a quagmire that must belong in some alternate reality, you need to read this book. It's all laid out here - all the missing pieces are in place. Liberally sprinkled with wonderful quotes from founding fathers to present time and presented against the backdrop of historical context, it makes it obvious how far off course this country has strayed.
Bush is often portrayed by the liberal left as the simple buffoon, but, frankly, in my opinion, what's been accomplished here with the dismantling of our democracy and the reduction of a carefully constructed system of checks and balances to a heap of rubble is far more than the work of a buffoon. Bush, or whoever is behind him, pulling his strings, is a powerful force to be taken very seriously.
I believe due process and democracy itself is losing the fight for it's very life right now and if you don't see it, you are blind. We have enjoyed over 200 years of mostly rule by law and government "of the people, by the people, for the people", but this is slipping from our grasp. God did not ordain that democracies must abide forever. There are no guarantees of indefinitely continuing freedom. There is no reason to assume that just because we grew up with democracy, that our descendants will. Ancient Greece and the Roman Republic were democracies that fell. Continuing democracy requires continuing vigilance and continuing effort, but this is just not happening. I actually believe that, simply put, we've already lost it at this stage of the game and if we want it back, we will have to take action and fight for it.
From the book, page 221:
Our Founders were keenly aware that the history of the world proves that republics are fragile. In the very hour of America's birth in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin was asked, "Well, doctor, what have we got? A republic or a Monarchy?" He replied cautiously, "A Republic, if you can keep it."The book doesn't leave us stranded in the quagmire, but finishes with specific direction and a hope for the future and so, is a huge wake up call for us all to get involved in our political process before it's too late. And he does warn that it's already very close to too late. The question is, can "we the people" abandon our TV and fast food addictions, our apathy and inaction, our descent into a dreamland of wishful thinking, fearful cowardice and naive gullibility long enough to rise to the challenge? That remains to be seen. We put some people in Washington with a simple mandate to stop the war and remove the corruption at the helm and they've fumbled the ball miserably. Now what?The survival of freedom depends on the rule of law. The rule of law depends in turn upon the respect each generation of Americans has for the integrity with which ours laws are written, interpreted, and enforced.
President Bush has repeatedly violated the law for six years. In spite of the fact that the only judicial decision to have reached the question of legality has ruled comprehensively against the president's massive and warrantless surveillance program, both the Justice Department and the Congress have failed to take any action to enforce the law. There has been no request for a special prosecutor, and there has been no investigation by the FBI. There has been only deafening silence. But the consequences to our democracy of silently ignoring serious and repeated violations of the law by the president of the United States are extremely dangerous.
From the book, page 210:
The era of procrastination, of half measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Kathy's ACEO on Squidoo
ACEO; Art Cards Editions and Originals, ATC; Art Cards
Fantasy fairies, mermaids, whimsical musicians artwork, whimsical angel drawings, feminist surrealism surreal, fantasy art warrior women,NOW IT BEGINS... YAY!
This is a preview of the items I will be posting on Ebay. Stories or poems will be shown about each fantasy fairy, goddess, cirque fairy, and others as they are created.
I will post all my Ebay into on all of my blogs, My Space and Squidoo when the image below as well as others are posted for auction. Yay! don't you just adore new adventures?
Introducing my new blogs for my ACEO cards.. Yay!
This is my new blog on Blogspot:
and my new Squidoo (I just ADORE Squidoo):
Aloha and Rainbows, Kathy

"The Elegant Fairy" ACEO Mixed media, Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
About my ACEO's:
Fantasy fairies, mermaids, whimsical musicians artwork, whimsical angel drawings, feminist surrealism surreal, fantasy art warrior women,and of course Hawaiian, I am on my way to a new adventure and journey. I will of course continue to add my new art here of course and paint and sculpt new things continually.
ACEO: Art Cards, Editions and Originals. These collectable miniatures are 2.5x3.5. My little original or limited edition art works are lovingly painted with a mixed media which includes: Gouche, Berol colored pencil, water color pencils, acrylics, iridescent 3-D acrylics, glittering confetti 3-D paints and detailed in pen and ink to achieve the effect I am pleased with.
I post previews of my ACEO as well as post what is posted on Ebay. Collect whimsical angels and fairies in art, fantasy art of exotic women and masquerade circus images and feel the magic.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen MySpace click HERE
The art world of my mind:
Whimsical musicians artwork,
fine art whimsical angel commissions,
art work in butterfly garden,
giclee canvas art work,
modern art paintings and posters for sale,
possibly... well of course,
vintage original authentic hawaiian prints,
Hawaiian art prints photos posters,
of course...
I paint everything and take photos.
African art and patterns,
yes, I paint that too.
Free galleries, always in mind... oh yes!
Funny pictures, I do a few.
Pet horoscopes, why not?
Custom airbrushed clothes, I can ... maybe.
Landscapes still life portrait commissions,
yes indeed I have that on my list.
Pictures of kittens cats, well ya! I can do that!
Tell me what you need.
Whimsical musicians artwork,
exotic lap dancing,
fine art whimsical angel commissions,
art work in butterfly garden,
dragon force,
map faery tale adventure,
enchanted faries,
enchanted arms walkthrough,
funny quotes, free poems,
free online games,
baby handprint poem,
love poems,
funny poems,
free myspace layouts,
whimsical angel pictures,
whimsical angel drawings,
whimsical angel commissions,
and oh yes I do indeed... dream I can do it all.
Collect whimsical angels,
whimsical sitting bride and groom,
Halloween coloring pages,
siamese cat and butterfly garden,
and I....
fancy art metal sculptures,
grim reaper drawings,
free online drawing pages,
elves in folklore and myths,
pixies fairies elves colouring pictures,
tiny angels. innocent angels,
one winged angel, tiny angels,
feminist surrealism surreal,
intelligent core visionary.
And oh my darling I cater to...
free birthday cards, art decor stencils,
fine art paintings reproduction,
fairies in art,
mystical faries,
pixie faries, mythical faries,
pixies faries,
drawings of faries,
and ohhh la la yes indeed I do at times think of...
chocolate and dessert recipes,
Chinese tattoos, free tattoo designs,
tattoo designs,
star tattoos,
tattoo gallery,
exotic lingerie,
chia pets,
britney spears photos,
(what will she do next?)
runaway love,
I wanna love you,
love me or hate me,
chocolate and dessert recipes!
I think of...
sedu beauty tips,
beautiful agony,
exotic lingerie,
hot women, I paint them
I think about those silly...yes I said silly
country song lyrics,
Then there is all that fantasy that I do indeed LOVE...
always waiting.
Fairies illustrations,
humpty dumpty illustration,
ah me....
make it rain,
grim reaper artwork.
Fix me up then
get ready for the show.
Sedu hairstyles how to,
how to save a life,
sedu hair style tips,
sedu hairstyle tips,
sedu beauty tips,
one wing in the fire,
and ohhh la la!
Still consider all those make up days
play up days
repair of oneself days
Clean it all up
get ready for new inspirations.
Spring cleaning yard and flower bed,
a poem about spring cleaning,
lyrics for music,
lift that couch don't sweep under the rug,
wwe divas,
flower fairies garden ornaments,
And I think of my 'little bit wild side'
I cannot help myself.
Mark my place.
I hope to travel
ahhh yes
I hope.
Yet I have my island.
Hawaiian fun food,
Hawaiian food tours,
Hawaiian flower tattoos,
ahh me...
ahhh me...
let all of these things fly!

"Pink Orchids"



"Redeeming Ruthie"

"Red Eye"

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
Free Gifts & E-cards:
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Hawaii Art Show, "ke ala o Pele"
Wailoa Center Gallery
Hilo, Hawaii
April 6 - 27, 2007

"Path To Pele"
40x30 oil on canvas, completed 3/07
Solid Koa Frame

"ke ala o Pele"
48x36x2 gallery wrap, oil on canvas, completed 3/07

"Giant Ferns of Lava Tree Park"
48x36x2 gallery wrap, oil on canvas, completed 3/07

40x30x2 gallery wrap, oil on canvas, completed 3/07

48x36x2 gallery wrap, oil on canvas, completed 3/07
Monday, March 5, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dear Kathy,
Congratulations! Your art is showcased in the March 2007 n*des-of-the-month calendar, curated by Chelsea gallery director, Bob Hogge of Monkdogz Urban Art.
The calendar is 'live' in previews to members only and goes 'live' to the public on Mar 1.
Beginning March 1, the link below will lead directly to the March calendar:
Please feel free to brag -- and if you haven't already done so, consider adding a link on your website to -- after all, you're there and a winner!
Thank you so much for participating. The national press release announcing the March show is scheduled for February 27. All of the artists in the March calendar are mentioned by name.
Have a great March!
Best regards,
Ilene Skeen
ILS Designs, LLC
372 Fifth Avenue, Suite 7D
New York, NY 10018
Tel: 917-806-7992
dedicated to the art of the nude
Note: I include this url info so that if you are an artist and paint nudes you might consider BareBrush. They are great!
Obviously this is an adult only site.
or... just check out their site to see my work that is featured on March 12 in their calendar. My painting "Lap Dancer" is featured then. "Lap Dancer" will be in Monkdogz show "Damez" Arpil 26-June 2nd in New York along with 4 other paintings of mine. YAY!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Art in Action|Artists Watch|Ala o Pele
Art in Action|Artists Watch|Ala o Pele
Above in a work in progress.
I am making a lot of progress with my 10 paintings done all at once. Yay!
To see photos of my progress check out the blog OK?
This is a Hawaiiana Series in honor of Merry Monarch Fest.
This is my latest blurb from that blog:
This is ... I 'think' going to be my favorite when done.(image on my blog) It is so far a toss up between this one and one other. I tend to like more edgy paintings rather than things that include landscapes so that is partly why. This is a 30x40 canvas. I LOVE doing giant faces for impact. This is just the first session of face tones, I will probably have at least couple more. The orchids will be done once I am pretty sure of the face.
Laying down really dark colors on a face like this is VERY uncomfortable at first. I fight myself over it. I know it is the right thing to do so I just say to myself... 'do it or you are going to be sorry because it will just have to be repainted to achieve what could have been done in the first place.
I lay down the colors from dark to light. I look for colors. I search out greens, especially. If you look long enough you will see them in the face tones.
Each one of the paintings I will be posting now will be of their first facial tone session. I do not walk away from it or let it dry, I want to be able to blend the colors. I am VERY careful not to muddy the work. This is another good reason for painting so many works at the same time. I can acknowledge that something is finished easier, not overwork. I do not think I will ever paint less than 10 at a time because of this. I also have less nightmares. Painting one at a time keeps me up at night. I can't think of anything else. With 10 going at once small errors are not such a big deal. I know I will get back to them and things will be fine.
I want to add something about studio space. I have been thinking about that. I have done full series in a 500 sq.-ft. duplex before. I painted my Victorian Series in that kitchen. You can imagine how small the kitchen was if the whole place was 500 sq. ft. I will do just about anything to stay by the beach!
I have had large spaces and small spaces... NO EXCUSES not to paint...EVER!
ART IN ACTION BLOG for my new series and "One Woman Show':
"Ala o Pele"
April 2,2007
Wailoa Center
State Building
Hilo, Hawaii
The blog I have created showing the progress of this series is at:
Artist Watch "Ala o Pele"
I think it would be great if more artists shared art in action... yeah?
Blessings and Aloha to you all!
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
Free Art Gifts:
Saturday, February 17, 2007 FREE ART GIFTS

Black Henna Tattoos are so great!
While working in a gift store in Hanalei, Hawaii, which is on the island of Kauai I learned the art of Black Henna Tattoo. There is a difference between regular henna and black henna, the most obvious being the color. Red henna produces a lovely color on the skin but does not look like a regular permanent tattoo when done. Black henna resembles a permanent tattoo when applied.
Black henna does not require the sugar water and extra care that red henna does. They both must sit on the skin to stain it for about two to four hours but black henna is easier to apply. Black henna is applied by using a simple bottle with a cone shaped applicator top to the bottle. Black henna easily mixes with water, and is effective in the bottle for about half a day. It is mixed to the consistency of toothpaste in the bottle. I use a bamboo skewer to stir the mixture inside the small plastic bottle. Speaking of toothpaste that is a good product to practice your newly found artwork with. While you may not be ready to make tattoos of exotic lap dancers for a while a simple rose pattern is indeed attainable. Keep it simple for the most part with black henna and you will do fine.
Patterns and black henna can be found online and comes with full directions normally. Test the product as soon as it arrives to make sure the active ingredients are still good. Sometimes the product gets old and becomes ineffective I have found. Beautiful patterns can be found online as well. Keep it very simple at first. Black henna is normally done freehand. Map your pattern out on the skin with dots, that helps a lot. Remember first and foremost that black henna is a stain so mistakes are not acceptable. It will indeed stain your clothes 'forever' so be careful what it touches! This is a good reason for practice! You should practice with black henna on your own self for awhile until you feel confident. OK, no exotic lap dancers unless you are really an artist! A simple rose on the ankle will do.
Above painting is called "Ukulele Girl" oil on canvas, gift items at my Cafe Press Store Online.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007 buy cards,posters,giclees

I send you cookies!
"Kathy's Chocolate Chip Cookies"
Cream together:
1 cup 'real' butter (not margarine!)
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 Tbl. black strap molasses
1 tsp. salt
add and blend two eggs
don't overdo this part or your cookies will turn out weird.
sift together then fold into sugar mixture:
2 1/2 cups flour, 1 tsp. baking soda
add and mix to above mixture:
1 cup coconut
3/4 cup old fashioned oatmeal
2 full cups chocolate chips
Bake at 325 degrees for about 12 minutes. Use only an old junkie cookie sheet... not one of the new ones, they tend to make these cookies cake. Take the cookies out 'just a hair BEFORE they are done'. Let them finish up after they come out of the oven.
"Sunkissed" 24x28 oil on canvas
Kathy @
has FREE gifts!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen's Website

"Flight" 24x48 oil on canvas
"I am Unique"
I am grateful today.
I feel this day with soft eyes.
I smile at everyone I see.
There are people who can barely walk.
There are people who cannot see at all.
For me
on this day the landscape goes on forever.
People in their cars
everyone seems to know where they are going
I lost track
but I am still writing lists.
I take my sketchbook everywhere I go
one never knows
I might catch a touch of blue
or green against the soil.
I see sprinkles of laughter
from creatures I invent inside my head.
High tea served at midnight
thank you very much.
How generous of the flowers to include me.
There are signs pointing out directions
this way and that.
This way will bring you home
or that way will take you further away
if you need to run.
Well meaning people often displaced.
I am yet grateful.
My appointments bring me hope.
I am not just another flower in the garden.
I hold out my hands
see that I am different from any other.
There are people who have decided
I am worth it.
So I think maybe
despite my own declarations
and objections
that creep in from time to time
I am grateful for this soul
that is my own.
I think of all the days that I stood still
all those days that I invited sad.
all those days of my not noticing my living
wishing I was not here at all
and thinking how long?
I am grateful now.
I have grown past only feeling regret.
While I know those feelings will return
from time to time
I know happy a little better
and it is saving me.
I am less harsh on myself now
not demanding answers
or positive outcomes only.
I am in touch more in the moment
and it is safe.
Creating within
and without
finding beauty in the simple
accepting each day as it comes.
Not holding anyone to their word
we all need room for excuses.
I allow for mine.
I guess I am focusing more on possibility.
It feels like a day I can finally breathe in.
I am grateful.
by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen